Estimating Workshop (one day with computers)
A one-day workshop that trains Landscape and Irrigation contractors and/or key staff on J.R. Huston Consulting MS Excel worksheets (attendees will have to have their own computer) how to:
- Prepare a general and administrative (G&A) overhead and field-labor hour budget
- Calculate labor burden, average wage, and equipment costs
- Price/bid projects by the lump sum method
- Measure, allocate, and control G&A overhead costs
- Benchmark their business and compare them to Green Industry critical numbers and standards
- Attendees will receive numerous MS Excel worksheets developed by Mr. Huston (that they can use over and over) to create their budget, calculate equipment cost per hour rates, calculate crew rates for their various crews (installation, maintenance, irrigation, tree, irrigation service, etc.).
- Attendees will receive a free copy of the Bid Board software created by Mr. Huston to track their leads and to track their progress toward their annual budget.
- Differentiate the six methods of estimating used in the Green Industry today.
- And more…
Estimating Workshop (two day without computers)
A two-day workshop that trains Landscape and Irrigation contractors and/or key staff how to:
- Prepare a general and administrative (G&A) overhead and field-labor hour budget
- Calculate labor burden, average wage, and equipment costs
- Price/bid projects by the lump sum and unit price methods
- Measure, allocate, and control G&A overhead costs
- Understand the total quality management (TQM) process as it relates to estimating
- Understand the six most common methods of estimating used in the market today
And more…
Estimating Workshop (one day without computers)
A one-day workshop that trains Landscape and Irrigation contractors and/or key staff how to:
- Prepare a general and administrative (G&A) overhead and field-labor hour budget
- Calculate labor burden, average wage, and equipment costs
- Price/bid projects by the lump sum method
- Measure, allocate, and control G&A overhead costs
- Understand the six most common methods of estimating used in the market today
And more…
Strategic Planning Workshop
A one-day workshop that will:
- Train landscape and irrigation contractors and/or key staff on how to prepare a Strategic Plan; and
- Train contractors and key staff on how to implement the Strategic Plan as a vital and dynamic management tool.
By the end of the day, each company will have put together their own, specific Strategic Plan.
Web-based Seminars offered online via
One Day Company Specific Estimating Webinar
Conducted exclusively with your company, one-on-one via the Internet. This estimating webinar allows you to work at your computer in your home or office to help you:
- Prepare current year budget
- Calculate your labor burden and crew average wage rates
- Calculate your equipment cost per hour
- Do a lump sum bid and calculate your time and material rates
You can have all your office staff participate. You’ll receive Microsoft Excel files with all of your webinar information that you can reuse in the future. You will also receive Microsoft Excel files that you can use to bid your work. This webinar is divided into four 90 minute modules. See webinar rates on the latest J. R. Huston Consulting Rate Card.
One Day Multiple Company Estimating Webinar
This webinar allows you to work at your computer in your home or office to help you:
- Preparecurrent year budget
- Calculate your labor burden and crew average wage rates
- Calculate your equipment cost per hour
- Do a lump sum bid and calculate your time and material rates
This webinar will combine multiple (no more than five) companies on one call (one participant per company) so that everyone can learn from each others questions and answers. You’ll receive Microsoft Excel files with all of your webinar information that you can reuse in the future. You will also receive Microsoft Excel files that you can use to bid your work. This webinar is divided into four 90 minute modules. See webinar rates on the latest J. R. Huston Consulting Rate Card.
*If either of these webinar options does not satisfy the needs of your company or association, please contact us in the office to discuss alternative options.